Sunday, January 23, 2011

January 18th (Tuesday) - January 21(Friday)

The mice have finally settled down (haven't had a trap go off in a day).  Thank goodness because I was ready to go to Loxton (30 km from the farm) and rent a room.

January 19th (Wednesday)

Jock came back to the farm and told me to come outside, he had a surprise for me.  I was expecting a snake but instead there was a frightened kangaroo on the back of his yute.  It had heat stroke and needed water (I think Jock just knew how much I loved animals).  So my entire day consisted of feeding grain and spraying the kangaroo down.  He was really good and active by nightfall but by Thursday morning he took a turn for the worst.  Timmy the kangaroo had to be put down (by Josh and Jock while I hid in the bedroom).  He was too old and something was wrong with his legs.

January 20th (Thursday)

It is quite an adventure on this farm.  I was in the shower this morning when I heard the radio buzzing.  I ran out, slipped and fell and found out Josh was broke down and needed me to bring him the Yute.  He told me to go West along the sand road.  Needless to say that everything here is sand and every direction leaving the farm yard is a sand road (I have no clue what direction West is and the vehicles don't tell you like back home).  I start driving down one and Josh is yelling that he can't see me - I yell back for him to start walking to the yard because it would be quicker (I definately was on the wrong one and had to turn around - may I also mention that I have never driven a manual vehicle until coming here).  In the meantime Jock is dying laughing and we also didn't realize that the channel we were on was open to the public.  So by the time I found Josh and we finished yelling at one another we had quite the audience :)

It is now the week-end and we've been invited back to Akuna station.  Next Wednesday is Australia Day and we are trying to see if we can get tickets to go see the cricket match in Adelaide (if not we'll stay here until Friday and start our travels again). 
P.S.  I know everyone will groan at my next comment...but I really hope it does not get too hot here today.  Yesterday it was +45 and the boys had to shut down (the water pumps won't work in that heat to fill the sprayer).  The heat is soo dry it feels like +60, I try to leave the house as little as possible.


  1. Hey guys
    every day sounds like an adventure there, the kangaro looks so cute but too bad he didnt make it. I cannot imagine it being that hot outside, mega tan for Jen !!!! while the weather here today stormy and snowing blowing and -2 degrees and raining at the same time ? which would you rather have??? love hearing from you again

    Take care Mom Dad and Jarett

  2. Laughing out Loud!! I know we definately should not complain about the weather - it could definately be the opposite and pouring rain :( We love the updates from back home - take care and stay warm!!

  3. Hi Jenn & Josh,
    Missed reading your blogs for the past week because we were in Los Cobos, Mexico. Had a great & relaxation. Enjoy reading your blogs and we look forward to your blogs to keep us updated. Pictures are great. After all your experiences Jenn, you won't be afraid of mice! snakes, etc....
    Take care, Rick & Lucy

  4. Hey Uncle Rick & Aunty Lucy,
    So happy to hear you had a great holiday in Los Cobos! And happy to hear you are enjoying the blogs - I enjoy keeping everyone updated and it also is a good keepsake for us. I don't think I"ll ever get over my fear of mice - maybe the others :) Take care and pass along a hug to Baba from us!
